Friday, October 26, 2012

its been a while..

So, here i am.. coming back from a long holiday away from blogging world. I've been away to settle down everything that need to be settle(whoargh.. what this mean?) so that i feel comfortable to face this blog again(what a lame excuse =.=" ) anyway please welcome back me! Haha~~

This is just an introduction.. and sure there would be more post in the near future( i hope so,,) toodle!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


:: but paradise is locked and bolted... we must make a journey around the world to see if a back door has perhaps been left open.
-Heinrich Von Kleist-

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Katy Perry Thinking of You

haunting me to death~ +_+

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

habis sudah~~~

hoho~ beban untuk study last minute untuk exam dah berakhir..hehee~ hm..tapi kena fikir FYP lagi ni..dui~~~ kena settle dulu ni barang sebelum bercuti sepenuhnya..dah mula cuti semester..tak terasa masa lalu dgn begitu cepat ya..tapi saya sangat suka semester ni sebab banyak pengalaman baru dikutip..hahaha~~~~ diharap dapat belajar dari kesilapan-kesilapan tu dan jadi better tunggu someone balik dari somewhere..diharap dapat bertemu at least once kalau itu takdir..tapi harap dapat jumpa lagi la..mungkin for the whole life? hehe~ okay..mata sudah layu..dengar balik lagu bunga citra lestari yang dulu-dulu punya memang nostalgik..tambah2 hujan kat luar..dingin..katil sudah memanggil-manggil la..okay have a rest..malam ni kena pegi kerja lagi..kena ada stamina sikit..kalau tak mesti kurang ceria dan seterusnya kurang shine..haha~ okla my blog..setakat ni saja ya saya conteng di muka u hari ni..len kali kalau rajin,kita conteng2 lagi k..lots of love~ mwuahhh!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

it is...

It's so good to know that you have someone who'll be willing to help you cope up in every frustrations you're having. Every depressing moments, every down moments, every self-worthless-realization moments, he'd be there, not because you want someone to be with you, but because he wants to be with you.

It's great to know when a person appreciates every little thing you do. Even a smile would mean a lot to him, just because you own that smile. And that even if no words are expressed as long as the eyes understand, you'd be able to communicate, just like that.

It's overwhelming when a person tells you that he loves you for who you are. He may not have an answer when you ask him why, but really, he doesn't have to have reasons for loving you.

It's more grateful to know that someone is grateful to have you. We don't choose the people who enter our lives, so it must be luck that you have that person, then you have to be thankful. It may just be coincidence or fate, but whatever the reason is, you have to be thankful in having him the same way he is thankful for having you.

It's a wonderful feeling when you're on the verge of giving up the things you've worked hard for, someone isn't just helping you carry the weight on your shoulders, but he carries it on his own because he'd also be in pain when you are in pain. And then you'll realize, trials would all be worth it as long as you have him, not because he would do things for you, but because you gather all the strength you need, in him and his love.

It's a superb feeling when one is willing to take the risks just so you'll be happy. Unselfishness rule in him just so happiness would take over you.

It's a nice feeling that when you're apart, and days seem to be long, that person misses you. Yes, you might feel bad about not being with each other, but knowing that you feel the same way would drive those blues away, thinking, you'd fight over that feeling because you're looking forward to seeing each other, and that's something to be happy about.

It's a great feeling when he wants to be with you because of the happiness you have when you're together. That even if corny jokes and senseless stories are told, it won't matter as long as you're together.

It's a lovely feeling when someone thinks about your future, with or without him. He cares and he cares enough to think of you and what you'll be someday. But of course, he also wants to be in it someday.

It's a nice feeling when you can be who you really are with that person. No pretentions, no lies, no hypocrisy, because he accepts you for who you are. You can be funny, you can be embarrased, but it won't matter coz it doesn't matter to him. Trust and faith in each other keeps you alive. And it will always do.

It's good to know that you have someone who'll not have the intentions of breaking your heart. Instead, he would be willing to mend it, picking up the broken pieces of your heart that your past love have scattered in the ground. He may not be able to put the pieces back to where they really belong, but you shouldn't mind, because he had repaired that heart of yours, and he fixed it in his own way. He loves you in his own way, not the way your past did. He fixed your heart in a different way, to keep you from feeling the pains of your past heartache and to make you feel, the love, that he's unselfishly giving.

It's a great feeling when that person has every effort to let you feel what he feels for you. Because of the distractions, you may not hear him shout it to the world, but as long as you feel it, his efforts has paid off, big time. And when you feel the same way too... He'd feel as if he's the luckiest person alive.

... when in fact, you're more blessed to have him.

Monday, November 22, 2010

bukit belukar~


nyum2..sate ot-ot..

the youngest one..

bukit belukar..
some of us..ada 37 of us actually..
hm..i kena jadi emcee kejap..
hoho~pakai payung lagi..takut sunburn you~

hello blog ku yang dh nk bersawang ditinggalkan oleh ma'am nya yg 'busy' jak..hehe~ hm..nak conteng apa ya? owh..i got pasal picnic kat sekayu yg bertukar jadi picnic kat bukit belukar..sebabnya?? sekayu tu ditutup untuk sementara waktu sebab jabatan kesihatan nak buat ujian kat air sungai,guard tu cakap pasal penyakit 'kencing tikus' la..then dia suggest us pergi bukit belukar..we never been alang2 dh sampai jauh2,pergi jak la kat sana..about 15 minutes from sekayu.. then i was very shock coz the river was wider and better than sekayu..just the facilities was not so satisfied us..the toilet didn't have water and cannot function at all..xda sinki mcm kat sekayu..mcm kawasan terbiar..sampah x dibuang..dui~ potong betul.. tapi xpa,yang penting kita enjoy dulu..mmg x sabar la nk mandi..geram tengok sungai tu..tapi before that,we have to accomplish the tentative first..we got short slot of praise and worship and bible sharing..then start BBQ~ kita ada sate ot-ot tau..haha~ dan ayam pada yang allergic dgn ot-ot ni..then makan2..pastu mandi time!!!! wow~ aku pun pa lagi..terus menerkam ke arah sungai!! arus sungai tu deras jugak..i sikit lagi nak hanyut tau..tapi i kuat!! haha..sungai tu ada part yang cetek dan dalam..bila dh sampai kat tempat dalam..i pun start swimming..try my skill masih bole pakai ke tak..hehe~ we had fun there~

then slot game pulak..kita main passing2 belon i dpt no.2 utk game ni..then the next game kitaorg lost jak..tiup tepung cari gelang getah,then pertandingan makan2..masa nak start game ni dh start mcm supporting jugak la hujan pun mula berhenti bila kita org nk men game..hoho~ lepas settle semua,around 4pm balik..

hm..satu part sebelum pg picnic ni,we have to stay at chapel's house..senang ckit nk gerak pagi2 nya kan..then terjadi la satu incident...kereta yg disewa oleh adik i kena samun..taktik penyamun tu,pecahkan tingkap kereta then take everything inside..beg pakaian dia untuk stay dh kena kebas..dan paling camera yang adik i pinjam...lesap jugak..adoi~ hm..memang spoil mood nak pgi picnic utk keesokan hari pastor i cakap,kalau x hilang yang tu,mcm mna nk dpt yg baru??hehe~ then i feel relief a bit..harap2 dapat camera baru la lepas ni...and moral of the story..jangan tinggalkan beg dalam kereta..nanti kena samun..masa buat lodge report..sempat lagi kena 'lecture' dengan uncle polis tu..huhu~ tapi xpalah..yang penting picnic esoknya..hoho~

*report for bukit belukar on 17th november 2010.. hehe~

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

i wish i can fly~

hehe~ i wish i have a pair of that i can reach my sunshine..i would like to smear my face with the wind..nothing but winds that make me floating in the air..just like a dust drift away with the beautiful eastern winds heading to western and reach the mountain of happiness that it long for every breath that taken.. can't compare to the longing of the star....